Senior Adults


216586_10150148286719499_760612_nOur Senior Adults play a vital role in the life and ministry of Blue Lake Baptist Church.  They serve in various areas of teaching, deacons, committees, choir, and vacation bible school.  If you are a Senior Adult please know that you are not forgotten at Blue Lake.  In fact, we seek to use your age and experience in the discipleship process of the Church! We try to provide opportunities for serving in the retirement years.  Many of our senior adults help in Community Ministries, especially in the community food pantry, the West Florida Baptist “Love in Action”, and Disaster Relief.


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The Blue Lake Senior Adults get together regularly for fellowship luncheons and suppers.  Our entertainment/programs are not always of a “religious/spiritual” nature but may be musical or local happenings/comedy.  It is great fun to be together and, of course, the food is always great.  We also plan some day trips and the occasional overnight trip.