Worship Ministry
There is nothing that speaks the language of heaven like music! And there is nothing more powerful in the life of any individual or church family than to use that language in authentic worship. At Blue Lake, we realize that as created beings of God, we were designed to bring glory and honor to Him and we take on that task here with great joy!

The Adult Choir
We are a worship-leading group as we use the music that God gives us to proclaim His glory, declare our affection, and celebrate His presence. The Adult Choir backs up the worship team during each of the Sunday worship services and shares in special presentations throughout the year.
This choir is for anyone who wants to worship God. Your effectiveness in choir will depend on your heart, not your voice. Our desire is to offer a gift of excellence, ever dependent upon the leading of the Holy Spirit. Opportunities for participation as a soloist or an ensemble vocalist are available but are secondary to your participation in the Adult Choir. Outside of guest artists, all soloists and ensemble members must first be faithful and committed members of the Adult Choir.
Regular rehearsals are held each Wednesday from 7:45 pm – 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary. For more information on how to join the choir, please contact us at (850) 638-1034.
Media Team
This is a team of dedicated volunteers who help with all of the service’s sound, and technical support for different needs of the worship times. For more information on how you can help, contact us at bluelakebaptist@bellsouth.net.