
Rich Smelser
Lead Pastor
Pastor Rich joined with us as Lead Pastor in September of 2018 after having served churches in both Florida and Illinois. Pastor Rich is a graduate of Anderson University with a degree in Christian Education and Applied Music and is a current graduate student at The Baptist University of Florida. He and his wife Kelly are blessed with 5 children. Pastor Rich has adopted the ministry philosophy, PREACH THE WORD, LOVE THE PEOPLE.

Corey Webb
Associate Pastor – Worship/Children
Corey & Alaina Webb have served as the Blue Lake Children’s Directors since 2015. They are blessed to be parents of 3 boys. Corey has served as our Worship Leader since 2017.

Ted Spangenberg, Jr.
Scoutmaster – Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts of America)
In addition to a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University, Ted holds a diploma in Biblical Studies from the SBC Seminary Extension Service, and a Chaplaincy Certification from the Florida Baptist Convention. He has served various churches in his adult life in deacon service, teaching, preaching, and worship leadership roles, and is an ordained Baptist minister. In addition, Ted is quite active in the Boy Scouts of America, currently serving as the Chairman of the BSA’s national Chaplaincy Committee.